Building a custom home is an exciting and rewarding experience but can also be complex and challenging. If you’re considering building a custom home in Utah County, there are several things you should know before you get started. In this article, we’ll discuss some key factors to consider when building a custom home in Utah County.

1. Choose the Right Location

Choosing the right location is one of the most important factors when building a custom home in Utah County. You’ll want to consider factors such as proximity to schools, shopping, and other amenities, as well as the overall vibe of the neighborhood. It’s also important to consider the topography of the land and any potential environmental hazards, such as flood zones or steep slopes.

2. Work with a Reputable Builder

Working with a reputable builder is essential when building a custom home. Look for a builder with experience building homes in Utah County and a track record of delivering quality work on time and within budget. You’ll also want to work with a licensed, insured, and bonded builder to protect yourself from any potential liability issues.

3. Consider Your Budget

Building a custom home can be expensive, so carefully considering your budget is important. Work with your builder to create a realistic budget that considers all the costs associated with building your home, including land acquisition, materials, labor, permits, and fees. Be prepared for unexpected expenses, and be willing to adjust your budget as needed.

4. Plan for the Future

When building a custom home, planning for the future is important. Consider factors such as your family’s changing needs over time and any potential resale value of your home. You’ll also want to consider factors such as energy efficiency and sustainability, which are becoming increasingly important to homebuyers.

5. Choose the Right Design

Choosing the right design for your custom home is essential to ensuring that it meets your needs and fits your lifestyle. Work with your builder to create a functional, aesthetically pleasing design that reflects your personal style. Consider factors such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the layout of the living spaces, and any special features or amenities you would like to include.

6. Understand the Building Process

Understanding the building process is important when building a custom home. Work with your builder to understand the timeline for construction, as well as any potential delays or setbacks that may arise. You’ll also want to understand the various stages of construction, from excavation and foundation to framing, electrical, and plumbing.

7. Prepare for the Unexpected

Finally, it’s important to prepare for the unexpected when building a custom home. Even with 

careful planning, unexpected issues can arise that can delay construction or increase costs. Be prepared for these issues by setting aside a contingency fund and working closely with your builder to address any issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Building a custom home in Utah County is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to approach the process carefully and thoughtfully. By choosing the right location, working with a reputable builder, considering your budget, planning for the future, choosing the right design, understanding the building process, and preparing for the unexpected, you can ensure that your custom home meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. If you’re considering building a custom home in Utah County, be sure to do your research and work closely with your builder to create the home of your dreams.

Riding Homes is one of the best home builders in Utah County. Our customer-focused team will make your dream home a reality. Get in touch with us.