Building an eco-friendly and energy-efficient custom home in Utah County is not only a responsible and sustainable choice but also offers numerous long-term benefits, such as reduced utility costs and increased home value. At Riding Homes, we recognize the growing importance of incorporating energy-efficient features in custom homes to minimize environmental impact, conserve resources, and save homeowners money. Our team of expert builders and designers is dedicated to helping you embrace sustainability in your custom-built Utah County home without compromising on style, comfort, or functionality.

From carefully selecting energy-efficient building materials and using advanced construction techniques to including high-performance appliances and implementing smart home technology, you can create a custom home that perfectly aligns with your commitment to environmental responsibility. By integrating energy-efficient and eco-friendly features, you’re not only investing in a home that offers increased comfort and lower utility bills, but also contributing to a greener and healthier Utah County community.

In this blog post, we will dive into the various energy-efficient features and strategies that you can incorporate in your custom Utah County home to achieve a harmony of sustainability, cost savings, and enhanced living experience. Whether you’re in the early stages of designing your dream home or looking to upgrade your existing residence, our team at Riding Homes is ready to offer guidance and expert advice on creating the perfect balance between eco-consciousness, functionality, and luxurious living. Together, let’s embrace the future of sustainable and energy-efficient custom homes in Utah County and create a lasting legacy of responsible living.

1. Selecting Energy-Efficient Building Materials and Techniques

The foundation of an energy-efficient custom home lies in choosing the most suitable materials and construction methods. Energy-efficient building materials and techniques can significantly impact a home’s overall energy consumption and comfort. Take the following considerations into account:

– Insulation: Invest in high-quality insulation to minimize heat transfer and maintain a consistent indoor temperature. This reduces the need for heating and cooling systems, cutting energy consumption and costs.

– Windows: Opt for double or triple-pane windows filled with argon or krypton gas, as they provide better insulation than single-pane windows. This lowers heat loss and gain and enhances energy efficiency.

– Framing Techniques: Use advanced framing techniques, such as insulated concrete forms or structural insulated panels, which improve energy efficiency by minimizing thermal bridging and air infiltration.

2. Incorporating High-Efficiency Systems and Appliances

Using energy-efficient systems and appliances can lead to significant energy savings in the long run, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Consider the following options for your Utah County custom home:

– Heating and Cooling: Invest in a high-efficiency HVAC system, such as geothermal heating and cooling, which capitalizes on natural temperature differences below ground level to heat and cool your home.

– Water Heating: Opt for an energy-efficient water heater, like a tankless or solar-powered system, which can substantially reduce energy consumption and ensure a steady supply of hot water.

– Appliances: Choose ENERGY STAR-certified appliances, as they consume less energy and water than their standard counterparts. Additionally, they can also save you money on utility bills and help protect the environment.

3. Leveraging Renewable Energy Sources

Incorporating renewable energy sources in your custom home’s design can help reduce your reliance on conventional energy, lower utility bills, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Explore these renewable energy options for your home:

– Solar Panels: Installing solar panels on your home’s roof or property can generate clean, renewable energy, lowering your energy costs and potentially even earning you credits from your utility company.

– Wind Turbines: In areas with sufficient wind resources, small-scale wind turbines can generate electricity for household use, contributing to energy independence and lower energy costs.

– Passive Solar Design: By strategically positioning your home to maximize sun exposure, using thermal mass materials, and integrating properly sized windows, you can harness passive solar energy for heating and cooling your home, reducing your reliance on mechanical systems.

4. Implementing Smart Home Technology

A smart and connected home not only simplifies control over various aspects of your living spaces but also improves energy efficiency. Smart home technology can monitor and optimize energy usage, helping you save money on utility bills:

– Smart Thermostats: These programmable devices learn your temperature preferences and adjust accordingly, reducing energy consumption while maintaining comfort.

– Energy Monitoring: Smart home energy management systems provide real-time data on energy usage, enabling you to make informed decisions about your consumption habits and identify areas for improvement.

– Smart Lighting and Appliances: Smart lighting systems and connected appliances can be programmed to turn off when not in use, reducing energy waste and contributing to a more efficient home.


Creating an energy-efficient custom home in Utah County is not only an ecologically responsible choice but also offers long-term financial benefits and increased home value. By incorporating energy-efficient building materials, high-performance systems and appliances, renewable energy sources, and smart home technology, you can design a custom home that prioritizes sustainability, cost savings, and enhanced living experience.

Looking for custom home builders in Utah County? Look no further than Riding Homes! With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Riding Homes is one of the best home builders in the area. Contact us today to start building your dream home!