When designing your custom home in Utah County, Utah, staying informed about the latest design trends can offer valuable insights and inspiration to help you create a luxurious living space that reflects your unique style and preferences. From sleek, contemporary architecture to eco-friendly materials and smart home technologies, the ever-evolving world of custom home design is constantly pushing the boundaries of comfort, aesthetics, and functionality.

At Riding Homes, our team of expert home builders and designers is dedicated to building stunning custom homes that showcase the perfect blend of cutting-edge design trends and timeless elegance. We believe that understanding the prevailing design trends not only allows you to make informed choices, but also helps create a lasting, future-ready home that serves as a quintessential expression of your personal tastes and lifestyle.

In this blog post, we will explore the most popular custom home design trends making waves in Utah County, Utah, providing insights into the features, materials, and design styles that are presently shaping the custom home market. Whether you’re drawn to the bold lines of modern architecture or the warm, organic textures of sustainable building materials, this comprehensive guide to the latest design trends will help you envision the perfect custom home that embodies your highest aspirations for luxury living in Utah County.

1. Embracing Modern and Transitional Architectural Styles

Discover the appeal and versatility of modern and transitional architectural styles for your custom home in Utah County:

– Modern Style: Characterized by clean lines, minimalism, and expansive windows, modern architecture creates a sleek, sophisticated statement while showcasing the breathtaking Utah County landscape.

– Transitional Style: Combining elements of traditional styles with contemporary design, transitional architecture offers the perfect balance of timeless elegance and modern luxury, making your custom home a standout in Utah County.

– Innovative Floor Plans: Both modern and transitional styles emphasize open floor plans, providing flexible living spaces that can easily adapt to your evolving needs and preferences.

2. Focusing on Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials

Make an environmentally conscious statement by building with sustainable and eco-friendly materials:

– Reclaimed Wood: Opt for reclaimed wood as a stylish and sustainable choice for flooring, cabinetry, and beams, adding character and warmth to your custom home.

– Energy-Efficient Insulation: Choose advanced insulation materials like spray foam or rigid foam boards, significantly reducing your home’s energy consumption and enhancing its overall comfort.

– Green Roofing: Consider installing a green roof that incorporates living plants, improving air quality and stormwater management while adding a unique, visually appealing feature to your custom home.

3. Incorporating Smart Home Technologies for Enhanced Comfort and Convenience

Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating smart home technologies for a seamless, connected living experience:

– Intelligent Lighting Solutions: Integrate smart lighting systems that allow you to personalize and automate your home’s lighting preferences, increasing energy efficiency, and improving overall ambiance.

– Advanced Security Systems: Equip your custom home with advanced security systems like smart locks, surveillance cameras, and remote monitoring, providing peace of mind through enhanced safety features.

– Smart Appliances: Invest in smart appliances that offer convenient, efficient, and energy-saving capabilities, like a responsive HVAC system or a Wi-Fi-enabled refrigerator that manages your grocery shopping.

4. Prioritizing Indoor-Outdoor Living Spaces for Expanded Enjoyment

Make the most of Utah County’s stunning natural setting by prioritizing exceptional indoor-outdoor living spaces:

– Seamless Transitions: Design your custom home to blur the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces, incorporating large glass doors, window walls, or retractable screens that allow for free-flowing movement between areas.

– Luxurious Outdoor Amenities: Create an inviting al fresco environment with comfortable seating, outdoor kitchens, fire pits, or water features that enhance your outdoor living experience and increase your home’s value.

– Landscaping for Privacy and Aesthetic Appeal: Thoughtfully landscaped outdoor spaces, strategically placed trees, and flowering plants not only provide privacy but also add to the overall aesthetic appeal of your custom home.


Staying informed about the latest custom home design trends in Utah County, Utah can help you make wise choices that reflect your unique style while ensuring a luxurious, future-ready living experience. With the expert guidance of the Riding Homes team, you can flawlessly incorporate the latest trends in architecture, materials, technology, and indoor-outdoor living spaces to create a one-of-a-kind custom home that exceeds your expectations.

Allow our experienced team of builders and designers to work closely with you to bring your dream custom home to life, incorporating the best of current design trends while maintaining timeless appeal and functionality. Contact Riding Homes, one of the best custom home builders in Utah County, today to begin your journey toward crafting an extraordinary custom home that stands as a testament to your refined taste, attentiveness to modern design influences, and the breathtaking natural beauty of Utah County.